OpenSea Mobile

OpenSea Mobile

Welcome to OpenSea's Mobile Website Guide! Here you will find tutorials on how to navigate and use OpenSea's mobile site, with various mobile browsers.

dApp-enabled Browsers

In order to use the OpenSea website (desktop AND mobile), you must be using a dApp-enabled browser. The following mobile browsers officially support the OpenSea mobile website:

Home Page

From the Home Page, you will want to select an activity, by clicking on the menu button in the top-right corner.

You can see that the menu has a "Sign Up" button in it. This either indicates that:

  • We are not currently signed into our dApp extension for our browser. Once we are signed in, we will see the "Sign Up" button replaced with an "Account" button.

  • We have not yet signed up for OpenSea!

    • Click the "Sign Up" button and fill in your information.

    • When you are ready, click the "Save account info" button.

Account Page

You should now see the "Account" button in the Main Menu.

Clicking this will take us to our account page, where we can view our owned items, our active auctions, our entire Ethereum activity history, or sign up for the OpenSea affiliate program. Let's jump to Landscape mode so that we can see all our options!

My Items

The 'My Items' will show ALL of your items by default. You can narrow down your items (to make browsing them easier) by first selecting a game/app and then using the filters on the left-hand side of the screen. If we use Mythereum as an example, we can see that we can filter by the card type, ability type, min/max Shield, and min/max Damage.

Clicking on an item here will take you to the asset page for that item, where you will have the option to sell that item, gift it, view it's properties, or go directly to the actual applications page for that asset!

My Auctions

Going back to the Account page, let's click on the 'My Auctions' tab. Here you will find all of your active listings, as well as the same filtering options from the 'My Items' tab. Clicking on an item here will take you to the same type of asset page, though now you will have the option to cancel the sale.


Once again, let's head back to the Account page, and let's click on the 'Activity' tab. here you will find all of your Ethereum-based transactions (many of which happen during your use of games and apps that you might not even realize). You will see the logs of auction creations, items being sold, items being purchased, and even the birth of items.


You will have also noticed a tab on the Account page, called 'Affiliates'. This is used for signing up for OpenSea's referral program. There will be a button to sign up, and once you are accepted, you can begin getting custom referral links to various OpenSea listings. The referral payout is 1% of the sale price of the auction. This can get quite large!


Now that we've spent some time looking at what we can do with our own items, let's look at purchasing other items from the market! Open the Main Menu using the menu button in the top-right corner of the screen, and then click the 'Marketplace' button inside the menu.

We'll continue using Mythereum as an example here. Click the 'Filter' button at the top of the screen, and then Select "Mythereum" from the Categories on the top pane that appears.

By default, ALL Mythereum cards will appear in the results window. Click the "For sale only" radio button on the left-side pane to filter only on cards that are actually available for purchase.

At this point you have a few options. If you know what card you are looking for, you can type its name in the search bar above the results window and hit ENTER. You can organize the card results with the sorting drop-down at the top-right area of the results window. If you're not sure what cards you're looking for exactly, some helpful sorting options like "Lowest Price", "Most Traded", or "Recently Sold" might be of interest to you.

There are various filters for the types of cards and their abilities on the top pane of the marketplace window. These can help narrow down your search to find the perfect card!

Click on a card inside the search results to see additional details about it, such as it's price history, card number in the set, stats and abilities, and more. Here you will also find the option to purchase the card if it's for sale.

Buying an Asset

Click on the "Buy" button once you have decided to purchase a card. This will take you to a new page with a more detailed description of the cost of the card.

Click "Buy Item". This should generate a dApp Wallet transaction which you should "SUBMIT" or "APPROVE" in order to complete your purchase. The dApp browser should determine appropriate network costs, but you can choose your own if you want. NOTE: You have not purchased your card until you submit this transaction and it gets completed on the Ethereum network.

Once the Ethereum network confirms your transaction, you should be able to see your card both in the "My Cards" section of the Mythereum website ( and in your OpenSea account ( under "My Items"

Selling an Asset

Now that you know how to use the search features of the marketplace, you can use them to determine how much similar Mythereum cards are selling for. Once you have an idea of the price you're looking for, lets head to our OpenSea account page to setup our auction ( If it's not already selected, click the "My Items" tab. Find the card you wish to sell and click on it. We're going to sell our Card (Mythereum #964, Arathorn).

We'll click the 'Sell' button which brings up a page for us to set auction parameters. We need to select a starting price, ending price, and number of days to list our Arathorn card for. Let's start at Ξ0.02, end at Ξ0.01, and list for 30 days. The price of our card will steadily drop over the course of 30 days. It will cost Ξ0.02 at the time of this posting, and if it were to sell in exactly 15 days, it would be for Ξ0.015.

Now that our parameters for the auction are set, we'll click 'Sell Item'. There will be additional steps to click, each generating a dApp Wallet transaction with an associated cost.

  • First, We must click the button 'Approve Contract'. We must then SUBMIT/APPROVE the dApp Wallet transaction that pops up.

  • Next we must click the button 'Create Auction', and again SUBMIT/APPROVE the dApp Wallet transaction that pops up.

The dApp browser should determine appropriate network costs, but you can choose your own if you want. NOTE: You have not completely created your auction until you SUBMIT both transactions and both are completed on the Ethereum network.

Once they are complete, we can view our auction at and clicking on the 'My Auctions' tab.

Last updated